BizDash is a service offered by the BizInt team. We use BizInt Smart Charts tools with supported drug pipeline, clinical trial and biomedical literature databases to create data-centric reports and visualizations targeted to your analytic needs.
Sample Dashboard: Merkel Cell Carcinoma(Click images below for a larger view)
The BizDash service combines our expertise in software development, pharmaceutical drug development, information analysis, and graphic design. The BizInt team works with you to understand your needs, execute the right search strategy (using your data subscriptions) and then create tailored reports and/or visualizations.
BizDash is designed to help BizInt Smart Charts customers maximize their software and data licenses and to “jump-start” increased use of the tools. To get started, contact us at
Most BizInt Smart Charts licenses include BizDash projects at no additional cost! Contact us to see if you qualify.
For those who are not currently BizInt customers, the cost of BizDash projects is typically $1,500-$5,000.
Note that BizDash projects do not include drug pipeline or other subscription data. We will ask you to provide search results using your subscription to create final reports and visualizations.